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Crystals & Stones

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have all used crystals and stones to help affect and help heal the physical body.  They have been known to heal at the mental, emotional and cellular levels also.  They all have major healing properties.  Therapists place crystals or stones on or around the body during a session to heal, ground, balance and harmonize deeply.

The crystals/stones add a new dimension to the healing treatment.  Certain kinds have different healing properties.  Here is just a sample of what they can help you with.

Amethyst- Known for its spiritual qualities is an excellent stone for meditation and awakening your Crown Chakra at the top of the head.  This is where divine inspiration or guidance comes in the best.

Clear Quartz: For Everything – works wonderfully as a meditation crystal, to use in healing sessions on and around the body to open, purify, harmonize and balance the chakras.  If it is quite large crystal you can put it underneath the table or bed to help you get deeper healing and sleep. Can be placed in the middle of the room to clear away energy that is not wanted.

Rose Quartz- Calming, Relaxes the Heart, Helps to attract higher vibrational friends and lovers, self-confidence, releases anger, frustration and or resentment

Citrine: Great stone to help with Financial Flow.  Helps you Attract more Money into your life.  Helps clear confusion, helps with being focused and have better concentration, allows you to make clearer decisions

Malachite: Aids sleep, Calms and Balances body and Mind, Strengthens Circulatory and Heart System.

Eases pain & relaxes you, especially if combined with Rose Quartz and Citrine. These three crystals really helped me on the airplane.  I held onto these three polished small stones up in the air, and they all helped me not have any pain what’s-so-ever.  I was able to fall into a deep sleep and had a vivid dream during the flight.  They worked incredibly- Usually I have so much pain because of my sensitivity going up and down fast, and when I did not, I was really thankful that I knew about Stones and Crystals!

These are just a few of the many healing properties of stones and crystals that can help you tremendously!

I typically use some crystals in the Reiki/Sound healing Sessions, whichever stones I am Guided to use.