Reiki is an Ancient Japanese Powerful and Life Changing Technique.
Reiki Practitioners work with the Universal Life Force Energy that surrounds us. This Universal Life Force Energy is everywhere you look and feel. It is in the birds, trees, mountains, air we breathe, in us and every living thing.
Reiki is a Hands on and off the body healing technique which helps the person feel lighter, brighter and happier and healthier.
Sometimes the energy around and within us isn’t so great. Stress, Negativity, Darkness and Anger can take a toll on our bodies and minds- They can affect our energy channels that allow clear communication and freer range of motion and of the breath. Sometimes the energy becomes negative or dark and angry. These stresses in our everyday life make this energy almost impossible to live with if we don’t clear, clean, balance and protect ourselves from the outside world.
What Reiki does is unblocks and unlocks these Channels of Energy (Chakras) throughout the body. Reiki Practitioners act as a vessel for the purest, higher vibrational qualities of this Universal Light, Energy and Love. They utilize laying on of the hands to help the body and mind feel calmer, balanced and harmonized. They help take away stress, negativity, darkness, stagnant energy, thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve. They replace them with positivity, peace, harmony, and joy. This process is profound and awakening to those who truly want to heal, feel lighter and find a piece of sanctuary within them-selves.
Reiki can help you shift your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and mind and body to higher ground. It can help you transcend your problems and awaken you to your truth in life- which path will you take on your journey next- where does your Heart really want to go in life? It can guide you into deep mediation where you let go for a while and recharge. You can gain new insights, creativity and a zest for life. Your whole world can change for the better.
Profound Tranquilty and Transformation at its best. Amazing with Sound and Crystal Therapy